Essay On Texting And Driving

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A number of text messages made while driving was compared to crash rates. Researchers found there was no direct link between the two. The dangers of texting and using the internet were not included in the study. For almost 20 years it has been a world wide belief that talking on a cell phone while driving is dangerous and leads to more accidents.
Multiple colleges and universities found that texting and driving is not bad. Its that 4.3 percent of people died because of texting and driving. Texting and driving is almost like drinking and driving. If you consume alcohol you can't pay attention, if you put you face in you phone you can't pay attention. But like in alcohol you can have tolerance so why not do it with a phone. Teens dont …show more content…

You can't take the risky behavior away from the driver. That's the answer of a new study, which finds that people who talk on their phones while driving may already be unsafe drivers who are nearly as to crash with or without the device. The findings may explain why laws banning cellphone use in any vehicle have had little impact on accident rates. The study involved 108 people, equally divided into three age groups: 20s, 40s, and 60s. For each person, the researchers correlated answers on a questionnaire with data collected from sensors during a 40-minute test drive up Interstate 93 north of Boston. The drivers drove a black Volvo SUV but with an eye tracker, heart and skin monitors, video cameras facing out the front and back windows, sensors, and other research gear. When they entered no cell phones were allowed during these trips. Instead, before they got behind the wheel, the men and women filled in answers about how often they used a cell phone while driving, how they felt about speeding and passing other cars, and how many times in the last year they had been warned for speeding, running traffic lights and stop signs, and other things. The team grouped the participants into frequent users which are those who talked on the phone while driving a few times a week