
Essay On The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part-Time Indian By Sherman Alexie

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In the book, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie, bullying is a big part of Junior’s life. At the reservation, Junior gets bullied not only because he is how he is but because the kids on the rez are mean and rude. Junior got in many fights because of all the kids bullying him, so he fought back against them. Junior also is bullied in Readen because he is Indian. Junior is bullied in Readen and on the rez because he doesn’t fully belong in either of those two worlds, but the bullying doesn’t stop him from achieving his goals. Junior has the choice to go to a new and better school called Readen. When Junior tells his friend Rowdy that he is leaving, Rowdy punches Junior in the face because Rowdy feels that Junior is a trader. Rowdy doesn't hate Junior but doesn't like him either because Junior left him. …show more content…

Alcohol can affect junior and his family because a lot of indians die from alcohol poisoning. Kids these days are really mean and rude to anyone, even adults. Alcohol can kill one of Junior's family members, then the kids will make fun of him. This is terrible because no one should be bullied from a family member dying. I bet it hurt enough when juniors grandma died, not to mention he got bullied for it. Junior’s sister left to go with her boyfriend. She was drunk when she died. That's another point that alcohol kills people that Junior loves. It must suck for Junior that had to hear from his teacher that his sister died. Alcohol can kill anyone that you love.

There is a lot of problems in junior's life. Junior gets bullied a lot, and he has to worry about his family dying from alcohol poisoning. There is a couple of good things that happen in Junior’s life. He gets on the basketball team and he gets a girlfriend. There is a lot of ways that junior can get the anger out from getting bullied. Junior gets bullied a lot because he goes to a white school, he's indian, and he is very

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