Essay On The Benefits Of Being A Therapist

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Furthermore, I would offer guidance and comfort to those in need. There are always those who may simply need to talk, and could use some advice. I previously said that a therapist would be one of the top choices for someone that could help people. Therapists do a lot more than people give them credit for. There are nearly 40,000 deaths each year due to suicide. Many who attempt suicide have never sought professional help. Those who do seek professional help are, 80% of the time, treated successfully. Without therapists to talk to those people, who knows how many people we would lose every year. Nevertheless, we still lose people. Too many people. If I had the powers that an Angel has, I would do all that I could to save those people. There …show more content…

Now, I don’t mean shape as in physical shape, and I’ve already covered mental shape. I mean shape as in, living shape. Whether or not they’re living in a rundown shack instead of a house or have no home at all. I don’t like knowing that good people are living in poverty because they missed a few payments or any other reason. And how do we handle it. We put up spikes near roads and businesses to keep the homeless from sleeping there. We should be giving them places to sleep, not taking places away. I don’t like how the homeless are treated, simply because they don’t have a home. Everyone thinks that homeless people are drug addicts and that they deserve not to have a home. That may be true for some, but the others, they didn’t want to be homeless. Perhaps the bank took their house, or they ran away from an abusive family. If I had the powers of an Angel, I would make sure that those people have somewhere to sleep at night. Someplace to return to after work. I’m not sure how exactly I would go about doing it, but I’d do my best, whether I spend time and resources looking for people kind enough to take them in or building a place for them myself. I would do all that I could to make life a little easier on those who have it hard enough