The Struggle Of Homelessness

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Homelessness is a struggle that most people don’t know, or that people ignore because they frown on homeless people. These people frown on homeless people because the homeless are often unshaven ruff looking people that had a bad turn in life, this life changing event that turned them into what some people frown upon. These people are frowned upon by so many but the people that frown upon them have no idea what their going through. Being homeless, a struggle known by too many in the United States, in fact there are estimated numbers of 633,782 people being homeless in just the United States alone. These people have found their self’s homeless for many different reasons like bad decisions, not a high enough paying job, or no job could be found, …show more content…

The center provides 88 units of housing for homeless and extremely low-income adults and families. They have eighteen family apartments at the Center, and they provide homes for somewhere between twenty to thirty children. These children all have access to Palo Alto public schools. These children also have the ability to attend after school and summer program support. The Opportunity Center was created by the “Community Working Group”, a non-profit organization that represents a range of groups. Donald Barr, was the original founder of the “Community Working Group”, and was President of its Board of Directors from its founding in 1998 to the opening of the Opportunity Center. Research tells us that more than eighty percent of the massive homeless population include children, women, and families that experience a life-altering event such as a natural disaster, abuse, job loss, or medical condition that makes these people homeless left to fin for themselves on the streets. Most of the time all these people who are homeless need a second chance to come back into the world and live a normal life with family and friends. These people need to secure self-sufficiency, and acquire some form of permanent …show more content…

This says that homeless people must progress through a continuum before they can become secure in their environment. In this experiment residents enter an emergency facility and complete the extensive work available there then they proceed to housing and complete the emotional/educational work required there, and then they move onto permanent housing that provides additional securing services. The process ends with these people becoming fully self-sufficient and being able to afford available housing. This shows how homeless find housing first, with support services offered at different times. This indicates that housing, in and of itself, provides stability. The Continuum of the Housing espouses that support services are helpful for long-term self-sufficiency, but are not initially crucial. “HomeAid chapters build and donate shelters to charities that understand the needs of their local homeless population and employ the model that best works for them and their