
Essay On The Common Man In Walden Thoreau

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In a society there are two roles that the man can naturally fall under. There's the superior man and the common man, Thoreau was the common man. In Walden Thoreau states that, “The virtues of a superior man are like the wind; the virtues of a common man are like the grass; the grass, when the wind passes over it,bends.” The superior man can be the rich or authority becuase if your rich then you are above those who arent, but if your the authority then you can boss people around who arent on the same authority as you. The common man is usually the middle and lower class people they often gets pushed around by the superior man. Society has split mans role into two parts, the superior man and the common man In Walden Thoreau is the common man that lives in the forest in a cabin. Thoreau isnt rich, or the authority which naturally makes him the …show more content…

The superior man is always on top theses people are uaually the rich and the authority and they get away with most corruption. There is usually no one to catch the corrption of the superior people or they can use their wealth and authority to get out of it. On the flip side the common man which is usually the middle and lower class are constantly being watched by the superiors for mistakes and corruption getting ready to call them out on it.There are instances where everyday common people commit crimes and are sent away longer than a superior man who commits the same crime.The superior man is able to pay his way out or get more pity because he is well known.All men are expected to pay their taxes like in Walden Thoreau was expected to pay his taxes and he didn't get away with not paying them.People like Donald Trump who would be considered a superior are able to decide not to release their taxes and not get suspension about if they pay them or not.Common men like the upper and middle class are expected to pay their taxes or face the jail

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