
Essay On The Cost Of Education In America

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Excellence costs, to obtain it most need education, therefore education must cost. Education is a subject that is always discussed and in constant evolution. Although it is a fundamental right, it belongs to each state or society to make the decision of which type of education it wants to have and if the state has to provide it for free and if this is the case until which degree has to do it. Today, education in the United States of America is free until the twelfth grade of high school and the U.S Government should not pay for American citizens’ first two years of college. There are several reasons: First, when something is free, it generally tends not to be valued as much as the things that cost or require an extra effort to have it. Second, the concept of something being free by the government is not at all free because what the government gives to the people, first it has been taken from the taxes that have already paid. And third, America does not have the …show more content…

There are too many elements that are needed for a student to obtain an excellent education, not just tuition and fees. As it is a great idea to which society should aspire, the government and society must focus on creating opportunities for all students who are willing to obtain academic excellence and create in students the real value of higher education. At the same time, it should focus on gradually creating policies that will give more opportunities for students that really want to take advantage from higher education and not only give them free tuition, but all that an excellent education requires.

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