Essay On The Influence Of Religion On American Government

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The United States government is clearly founded on Christian beliefs however, it cannot be fully traced back to any one religion. In the early years after the Revolutionary war, Christianity was the only easily recognizable influence however, today almost all existing religions have had an impact on some part of this country. It would be simple minded to assume the separation of church and state has been at all upheld throughout the public issues that America has faced since it was founded.
Even minor religions that have been dismantled for many years have influenced our government. This is in part because nobody has new ideas anymore, everything has been said at least once. The statue of liberty holds a flame that is meant to symbolize hope and protection: In Zoroastrianism fire is holy, promoting purity and protection. The Buddhist religion allows the worship of any God so long as the follower accepts personal responsibility for suffering (Sood). This idea is not unlike the 1st amendment of the United States, the freedom to worship any religion so long as personal responsibility for upholding the law is maintained (US Const. amend. XII, sec. 3).
Judaism’s influences on American government are the most obvious, second only to Christianity’s. Many historical ideals and artifacts allude to Jewish struggles such as: The first official …show more content…

In the beginning of humanity, the Gods were used as an excuse for the unknown, in the modern world this is unnecessary and redundant. There are natural explanations for many of the phenomena that were previously under a deity’s name. If society continues to utilize this ‘one size fits all’ excuse, then humanity will take a step backwards. Without recognizing the need for further research, nothing will progress. If religion is continuously allowed to rule over societies then nothing will