Fong-Wei Ting
Mr. Mahoney
November 24 2014
Key Arguments for and against the existence of God
God is defined as the perfect and all-powerful spirit or being that is worshiped especially by the Christian, Jews and Muslims as the One who created and rules the universe.1 There are many people who do not believe in a God, and with a lack of faith, they argue against the existence of God and are proving something that is completely false or unrelated. There are a large number of reasons proving God to be real. This essay is to prove the existence of God, and within this essay are twelve reasons that prove God does exist.
The first of the twelve reasons that the masses throw out is that due to the amount of suffering in this world, there cannot be a good
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They state: “If God is omnipotent, omniscient and wholly benevolent then he would eradicate evil and suffering but the world is full of it. Therefore he is either not all powerful, not all knowing, not benevolent or (most likely) does not actually exist.”2 In The Beginning, God did create a world without suffering, where everything was good (Genesis 1:31). He then brought a man into existence, shaped him in His image and gave him the power of free will. He gave us free will to decide whether to love or not to love. The reason that He gave the first man that choice was because love always involves a choice. If people were programmed to say “I love you”, then how much “love” is actually placed behind those words? To really experience love, then a choice must be made. Since free will came with risks, and risks did Man take. After the Fall of Man, two types of evil came into this world: Moral and Natural evils. The Moral evil refers to the sinful actions or inactions of people, which usually leads to the depreciation of others. Natural