Fate Vs Free Will Research Paper

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In the beginning, God existed, and God was three persons; the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God, through choice, and not any pre existing fate, created the universe and everything in it, and without any pre existing substance. This is called Genesis, or the creation story. His hope was that all of creation could God is now present, and yet transcendent, in the universe. Thus good humans, angels, and animals were created. The goodness of creation was its natural justice, or lack of sin, ability to be in union with all of creation, God, and itself. Humans, created in the image of God, are one being of spirit and of a body. Angels, intended messengers of God, are beings purely of spirit, and are the beings responsible for most of God’s Providence, …show more content…

Free will is the ability to do whatever you choose, this includes choices made to disobey Him, and sin. God gave us free will out of his respect for our intelligence and love for us. Angels and humans can both disobey God, or sin, and each are equally responsible and effective in it. When God created man, he also created Eden, the garden in which humans could be in harmony with God. But humans were tempted, by Satan, a fallen angel who, because he was jealous of God, sought to hurt him by attacking his creation. Now Satan, since he is only an angel, with fallen angelic followers, is not able to hinder God’s ultimate plan, and cannot affect anything in creation, but only take as many humans and angels with him to Hell. God created Adam and Eve, the first two humans whose nature was without sin, and only to be in harmony with God. But when Adam and Eve were tempted by Satan, they sinned. This sin, this original sin, is the source of sinning in all humans, and the Fall of mankind. By original sin humans cannot reach union with God by themselves. Through the Fall, and not created by God, were moral and physical evil, suffering, and