Essay On The Myth Of Multitasking

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Multitasking is an action where one person can ultimately act on two tasks or more at once. In the article, “The Myth of Multitasking,” one of the arguments made by a guest named Nass is that multitasking is a way to slow your mind down while succeeding in tasks slower than usual. “People who chronically multitask show an enormous range of deficits. They 're basically terrible at all sorts of cognitive tasks, including multitasking” (Flatow). Nass has done research on this topic and it shows that people who believe to be very effective with multitasking are actually wrong and they cannot focus on both tasks at the same time. The results of Nass’ research shows that many people are actually terrible at multitasking. The human brain cannot give one-hundred percent of focus on more than two tasks at the same time because it would put too much stress on it. Concentration on one task at a time without distractions is the most effective way to complete a task rather than doing more than two at once. For example, one person is texting while driving and he gets into an accident. Since that this person tried to do multitask he ended up in a bad situation. But this example doesn’t mean that people cannot effectively drive while texting, it is just the more likely percentage that he got into an accident. …show more content…

This solution would be to retrain your brain for the bad habits to disappear. Addiction is a hard subject to solve and it requires a lot of time to recover. “It 's almost impossible to get a group of people who believe their lives are built around multitasking to stop for two weeks to actually see whether their brains have changed”(Flatow) This quote basically means that it extremely difficult to change the minds of human brains to recover or evolve from addictions. Dr. Nass is not even sure that people can be rehabilitated because the technology to carry out this operation would be very