Essay On The Sioux Indian American War

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The Sioux Indians were allied with many Native Americans during the civil war period. The Lakota tribes, which are apart of the total Sioux population, attacked the settlers and emigrants moving into the land forcing America to respond. America responded by sending an army to Lakota killing many women, men, and children. A series of short followed these attacks, which led the Sioux to flee west to their allies in Montana and the Dakota Territory. This action increased illegal settlement after the civil war, which led to another war shortly. The Black Hills were sacred ground by the Sioux and forbidden mining, but the United States signed a treaty pardoning this landed. When gold was later discovered in the Black Hills white settlers began to move in. The Sioux attacked the miners and settlers, which led to the battle at the Little Bighorn, which the Sioux called the Greasy Grass Fight. The United States increased the size of their army by 2500 men, ending the Great Sioux war in 1877.
For many years prior to the Civil War, the north was forced to delay and/or compromise several of its national economic policy, due to southern opposition and the strong positions the southern states held in the Senate. Soon as the southern states left, the Congress began to put in play their delayed agendas. President …show more content…

The first transcontinental railroad was complete May 10, 1869 after plentiful delays. The Morrill Land Grant Act of 1862 established agricultural and mechanical colleges. This act was named after Justin Smith Morrill. The Homestead Act of 1862 provided 160 acres in western territories free to anyone who settled on it, this included freed slaves. They had to pay a small registration fee and live on that land for five years; they also had to declare their intentions on becoming a citizen. All of these policies and more shaped the development of the United States economy for time to