Essay On Underinvestment Of Black Men

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Claremont, New Hampshire: an eight year old biracial boy was hung by a group of White teenagers. Short Pump Middle School in Richmond, Virginia: part of the boys’ football team dehumanizes the Black players on their team by, in their own words, pretending to rape the
“black out of them.” Coatesville Area High School in Coatesville, Pennsylvania: students took pictures of a brown baby doll being hung by its neck. All of these racist incidents that brutalize and dehumanize Black people are representations of societally taught ideals. These are examples of the youth acting on their perception of Black people taught by society. The societal perception of Black citizens, limits their capabilities and impedes their capacity to succeed academically and …show more content…

Add more about the underinvestment of Black students. The adverse affects of these practices are reflected in the graduation rates of Black high school students. Info on graduation rates in high school. However, Black students are encouraged and praised for their athleticism. Black males are often synonymously associated with football and basketball players.
Black men make up six percent of the population according to VICE. However, “Black men comprise 57-70 percent of college football players and 70 percent of NFL players…” (H.A.
Goodman 2016). In the NBA 74.4% of the players were Black in 2015. This high density of
Black male athletes is an adversely incongruous predicament. Society praises colored people and encourages them to succeed in athletics. Black youth are coaxed to place their whole life in sports from a young age to advance socially, financially, in status, etc. Of the eight million high school students playing sports, only 480,000 of them will continue to play at any professional level according to the NCAA. Even with such improbable odds, millions of Black students hoping to vertically ascend still apply to a collegiate level. Against all odds, if a Black