Us Education Still Separate And Unequal Summary

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Why do black children have the lowest high school and graduation rates in the country? They have no moral support from their parents and have unequipped teachers. Who’s to blame for black children’s poor success and lack of integrity to go to college? It starts off in the home; therefore, black parents need to be more actively involved in their children’s education.
But not every black child has a parent involved in their lives. Lindsey Cook, the author of “U.S Education: Still Separate and Unequal”, wrote an article providing evidence on why black students are the least successful group of people to be educated. She provides a diagram comparing white and black parents literary activities with their children. She claims, “Black parents may have less access to materials, have less …show more content…

Schools have tools that parents don’t have at home: technology devices, books, and most importantly good teachers, but predominantly African American institutions don’t receive qualified teachers compared to white institutions. These results are showing up in the national standardized test scores results. Ronald Brownstein, The Atlantic author of “The Challenge of Educational Inequality”, references a Stanford University Study, provided by professor Sean Reardon. Reardon states, “Of the 1,000 poorest districts in the U.S., only 68 (6.8%) have mean test scores at or above the national average” (Brownstein). The U.S education system is failing their black students, by not providing rigorous work. Moreover, this shows that they’re not being taught by good teachers because if they were, they would have good test scores. The low test scores are part of the reason why African Americans don’t get accepted to highly competitive