Essay On Waiting Time At Kennedy Medical Center

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The New Department Director Dr. Grant is faced with patient’s dissatisfaction on their total length of stay in the emergency department. The waiting time at Kennedy Medical Center has been an issue. This could be because the staffs are spending too much time on their clients’ paperwork giving physicians less time with their patients, or organization culture performance. With Dr. Grant being the new department director, it is his duty to assure that quality and patients’ satisfaction comes first. Therefore, together with his staff collaboration, a designed plan to minimize the waiting time must be put in place to avoid overcrowding at the Emergency room.
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For example set Kennedy Medical center admission baseline at 75 patients a week, goal 150 per week; then measure weekly progress. If the team meets a goal of 45%, then, the team will focus their efforts on the remaining 65% to accomplish next. His responsibility to apply transnational leadership theory in the clinical realm is dependent on teams. Patient right and responsibilities policy of many hospitals states that patient has right to a safe environment. This includes reasonable measures for the management of emergency preparedness such as in Kennedy Ambulatory Center. Dr. Grant’s aim is to obtain positive results and patients satisfaction. This can only be done with necessary tools and expertise to do the work. It is important to assess staffing for each shift or nurses for palpable improvement of the workflow; under staffing can cause a dilemma. For instance, he should consider conference meetings with Ms. Down and all department heads that are directly involved to make sure all shifts are covered. Understanding satisfaction and health care quality have been recognized as critical to developing many improvement strategies that involve

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