Nursing's Influence On Patient Satisfaction

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In 2011, Otani et al. carried out a study in the USA and surveyed 32 different tertiary hospitals to find out the relationship of healthcare professionals and physical environment to the total patient satisfaction and the study showed that they were all positively related to overall satisfaction; however, nursing care was the most important to raise overall patient satisfaction. The authors also found that the courtesy and respect of healthcare providers had a primary impact or more influence on patient satisfaction while communication and explanation are a secondary aspect (Otani K.,et al, 2011). Patients and nurses build and maintain a caring relationship, feel a satisfaction of needs, and can show both good and bad feelings because of the …show more content…

Patient satisfaction as a result of care is a very important outcome because it has an effect of patients being religious to their medication, usage of health services and reception towards the health care system (Palese, A., et al, 2011) Several studies have proved that there is a relationship between nursing and patient satisfaction pointing out nursing care as the only hospital service that has a very solid relationship with total patient satisfaction (Abramowitz S. et al 1987), (Kutney-Lee A. et al 2009) Palese, A et al in 2011 studied patient satisfaction as a result of nursing care, reports that caring behaviors displayed by nurses found a large proportion of patients’ satisfaction (Palese A. et al,2011) The authors found that a high percentage of satisfaction was determined by the nurse caring behaviours as felt by the patients (Palese A. et …show more content…

et al in 2012 on the relationship between nurses caring attitude and Patients satisfaction. The objective of the study was to find out the patients expectations and its correlation with the satisfaction of nursing care in the medical and surgical wards of a hospital in Iran. It was carried out on a randomly selected sample of over 200 patients admitted to the medical and surgical wards of the hospital. Part of the inclusion criteria included a minimum age of 16 years and being hospitalized at least for one day. The exclusion criteria included unwillingness to participate and serious changes in mental and physical conditions during the data collection were considered as exclusion criteria. Data collection was with a questionnaire. SPSS was used to analyze the data. The Pearson correlation coefficient was used to find the