Essay On Why Guns Are Bad

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Back than when guns was always used more everyone didn 't know how to not put them down. killings here killings these Killings EVERYWHERE. They were not used for the right reason back then, many people want to kill and get back at one another. Would have you believe that guns stop murders? Gun and Crimes are worse than racism. For Example, kids and young childrens are getting everywhere. 12 year old Anne got shot by her 4 year brother cause he got ahold of it and was playing with and kill his sister. You go down street and you think you are save until you hear shooting and seeing people getting shot for no reason innocent. World seems to get worse and worse each day the world is all going down hill. When you pick up a newspaper you will see …show more content…

However, the effort by some misguided individuals to eliminate the legal ownership of guns does not address the real problems at hand and simply disarms the innocent law-abiding citizens who are most in need of a form of self-defense. Guns and violence is hurting our community, Many people are asking whether guns really are the helpful tool that many of us have been saying they are, or if they are the killing machines. If guns wasn 't so convenient to get to now days our crime rate would be low. Also people needs to come to their senses and wake and stop trying to kill pullets don 't have eyes. In the article I readed a the quote had said “ Evil should be known as evil. Good should be known as good. The children of America have lost sight of what these two concepts really mean because the adults of America, those who should know right from wrong and good from evil, have not taught them.” the people in america has lost there minds cause the thing that 's going on in this world is needs to change. “Madness here madness” there when will the madness STOP. It has to take everyone to be dead gone to see a change sad to say. That is the real reason our children those we should be protecting must fear for their lives. Would the world every change

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