Sensory Evaluation Essay On Wine

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When you ask yourself - how will this glass of wine taste? You have to keep in mind that perception of taste will be different from person to person. For instance, if someone tells you that they can smell or taste a specific flavor (note), that doesn't mean that you will as well. In this short article, I will briefly explain what sensory evaluation is, who does it and why is it done the way it is. Let's begin. Usually, customers in restaurants or bars will taste a glass of wine to ensure that its condition is good, and its temperature is right. When you consider sommeliers, they (usually) taste wines for the very same reasons and more. Besides fundamentals of condition and temperature, sommeliers also want to assess the quality, it's drinking …show more content…

Usually, it is required for sommeliers to quickly describe the wine to potential customers or attendees at different wine events, or to identify specific wines at blind tastings or competitions. The important part to point out is that every wine has it's own "fingerprint". That's where the art of blind tasting becomes evident. What I mean by that is that the tasting exercise very much resembles a jigsaw, where different pieces are put into place and added together. Moreover, these same pieces are linked to others until the final piece is inserted and the picture is complete (that's where you usually guess what wine you're drinking). In short, to become a good taster, you need to taste as many wines as possible, which is one of the more pleasurable parts of wine study! The term "sensory evaluation" was adopted by the hospitality and food industry not that long ago. It represents a procedure that applies principles of experimental design to the use of human senses (sight, smell, and taste) for the purposes of evaluating consumer products; in this case - wine. When you ask yourself - how is it done exactly? Or, where should I start? You don't have to worry. There is a method that you can use and it is quite simple - you look first, smell second and taste last (best for last,

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