Essay Unit 1 Birth Defects

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Case Study Unit 1: Birth Defects
Birth defects are a major issue in the United States. This problem can be prevented with a good screening and implemented good teaching methods to the women with reproductive age. There are many condition that may play major roles in the cause of the babies who born with certain type of deformities. One of the biggest problem that may contribute with these birth defects is a lack of nutrients based one folic acid.
Potential Teratogenic Effect of Folic Acid Deficiency
Start from the conception phase and until death, human is strongly depend on good nutrients. Having a good nutrient intake is not only it can prevent certain type of diseases, but it can also prevent some sort of birth deformities. All women …show more content…

These complications can involve the mother's health, the baby's health, or both. In the case of Felicity, due to the mother disorder which is diabetes mellitus, this baby is at a higher risk to develop certain birth defects and/ or congenital anomalies. This can occur because of the insulin depletion of the placenta. During pregnancy, the fetus receives the nutrients and water via the placenta. Thus, the role of the placenta is to make a variety of hormones to maintain the pregnancy. As the pregnancy begins these hormones can cause an over secretion of the insulin which will cause a decreased to the glucose production. This phenomenon can lead to hypoglycemia to the fetus before delivery. In many cases later in the pregnancy, according to Mills (2015), the pregnant women can develop insulin resistance because the placenta acts as an endocrine organ producing numerous hormones including estrogens, cortisol and human placental lactogen due to certain hormones can have a blocking effect on insulin, a condition called insulin resistance throughout pregnancy. As a result of these effects, the babies from the mother of diabetes mellitus are at risk of birth defects which may include: heart conditions, kidney disorders, digestive tract disorders, and neurological disorders. Other conditions like hypoglycemia can be also noted. After the delivery,