Essay Why College Athletes Should Be Paid

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The question that has been on the minds of all college athletes, fans, and supporters is if these individuals should be given payment for the work that they put into the program. These athletes spend all the time that they have made sure that their team is prepared to go against the next opponent. This means spending hours and hours devoting their time to that cause. This leaves barely any time for themselves and for their schoolwork. While they do receive a free education, it is not enough compensation for what they do for the university. It is time to give them the reward that they deserve. It is time to give these athletes who make millions of dollars for the universities the payment that they are entitled to. College athletes deserve to be paid. This issue has been around the country for as many years as college sports has been going on. From the start of the NCAA, this yes or no question is embedded in the minds of all …show more content…

Multiple college players are fighting to form a union at their given school. Mark Guarino, a writer for the Christian Science Monitor, talks about how the Northwestern football team was pushing to become one of the first teams to form a union inside a school. The NLRB was called in to determine the decision. Peter Morici, a blogger for the Tribune-Review in Pittsburg and an economist and professor at the University of Maryland Robert H. Smith School of Business, talks about how universities have monopolized college sports. They are turning this into a source of free labor, as informed by Gzedit, who stated that with all the time on the field that the athlete's barley have enough time to take advantage of the free education that is given to them. These players are going against the tide and demanding some compensation for all of there hard work on the playing field. This fight for a union will shake the way college sports are handled as time goes