Essential Oils

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What are Essential Oils

Essential oils derived their name because they contain the fragrance and flavor specific from the source it came from. Thus it is said that the oil contains the sources “essence”. You can find these essential oils in food flavoring, massage oils, soap, medicine, and perfumes just to name a few references.

Since essential oils change quickly from solid or liquid to gas, they are known as volatile oils. Each different source for these oils has a unique makeup that gives it that specific smell. It is because of this specific make up that allows for different oils to affect the body in different ways.

There are three basic ways you can use essential oils. The oils are very concentrated so please be careful when using …show more content…

This process involves using carbon dioxide to extract the essential oil from its source. This process is extremely expensive but the result is an essential oil that is remarkably close to the original plant.

Each process affects the quality and concentration of the essential oils. We’ll discuss quality later in this article.

Essential Oil Uses

Essential Oils are probably best well known for their use as a relaxation method for example, scented candles or their use in spas. Of course Lavender comes to mind here. However there are many other useful benefits these oils provide.

Essential oils have antimicrobial, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. Thus they can be used as cleaning supplies, in personal care products, bug spray, promote hair growth, help with weight loss, treat eczema and even in the food industry due to being a great preservative.

Some common health issues like migraine headaches,cough or sinusitis, heal burns improve digestion. bronchitis and asthma remedy, treat bruises and more can be treated with essential oils or blends.

Science has even done research showing how essential oils are powerful enough to kill cancer cells. Research has been done with colon cancer, breast cancer, skin cancer and …show more content…

Not all oils have all seven but usually will have at least two of them. They are:


Terpenes – antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. Work as a stimulant for the liver and gland. Some examples: chamomile, tansy, and yarrow

Oxygenated Compounds

Esters – are found in a large number of essential oils and are anti-fungal, calming and relaxing. Some examples: bergamot, Clary sage, and lavender
Aldehydes – anti-infectious with a sedative effect but can be irritating when used topical yet calming when inhaled. Some examples: Most citrus oils.
Alcohols – antiseptic and antiviral. Create an uplifting quality and are deemed non-toxic. Some Examples: rosewood and lavender.
Phenols – causes the fragrance of an oil. Antiseptic, anti-bacterial, and highly stimulating. Can be abrasive to skin. Some examples: clove and cinnamon
Ketones – could be helpful with dry asthma, colds, flu and dry cough Some examples are: hyssop, Clary sage, and sage.
Oxides – anesthetic, antiseptic, and works as an expectorant. Some examples: eucalyptus, rosemary, cinnamon, basil

According to Connie Higley in the book, Reference Guide for Essential

More about Essential Oils