
Estelle Louise In The Haunted House

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Estelle Louise wiggles and jiggles her three hundred-forty pound, five-foot-six frame out of the rocker, shakes the wrinkles out of her faded red gingham housedress, snatches up her pocketbook off the floor, then grabs Clemmy Sue’s hand and pulls her towards the front door. The nor ’eastern struck just as they were about to step off the front porch. Instead of scurrying back into the house, they dart for the pickup. When Estelle Louise finally climbs into the truck, her dress clings to her like Saran Wrap, and her long, thin premature white hair is a mess of sopping tangles As soon as she slams the door shut, she quickly realizes the passenger window is missing. Immediately she rummages under the seat and finds, a large black
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