
Ethical Dilemma Paper

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Having completed the mathematical computations, the option that is morally permissible as well as generating the highest net utility is Maria electing to spend the night with Bethany at her workplace until morning. The primary ethical dilemma belongs to the decisions made within the situation Maria is currently present for, even though she was not the cause of said situation. At first glance, Maria was merely acting from the perspective of an individual adhering to the Natural Law Theory. Since it was clearly stated that she rejected the conflict of interest restrictions and referred to them as “idealistic”, she proceeds to display a concise understanding of the Natural Law Theory by promoting all six universal human goods. The restrictions implemented by the organization or agency from which she is employed reveal yet another example …show more content…

(Mandell, 2008, p. 237). Mandell maintains that the unique personhood of individual social workers enters and carry’s with it the potentiality to influence all social and professional interactions affecting, on a conscious or an unconscious level, the social worker and the client. The awareness being brought to the attention of the public regarding the boundaries set forth between social workers and clients having to be reviewed reveal nothing less than the true nature of the situation Maria is in having a purely detrimental and volatile consequence should she opt not to abide by option two. In an attempt to yield the highest amount of happiness, the primary concern was to obtain as many positive consequences as possible. Mathematically speaking that translates to option two, since it promotes the most amount of good while having an equally stable amount of happiness for the majority of the stakeholders

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