Steven Davis Code Of Ethics Essay

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This article on ethics was really interesting and a dilemma that is prevalent within criminal justice. In the article Dr. Steven Davis recognized that students cheating in high school increased by 20% in the 1940 to 75% today. Davis stated, "If students lack ethics in high school and college, then there should be little surprise that they lack ethics in their careers. (2008)." This observation by Davis holds some value, because individuals that is willing to cheat to get ahead, definitely has no problem crossing ethical lines, because in their mind the wrong is acceptable, just as it was when they cheated. There are a few things that can be pinpointed as lawful but unethical, especially within law enforcement. The prison system in the United States has a lot of issue that needs to be addressed, but one issue that really bothered me and is unethical is the manner in which the criminal justice system is using the incarceration of the people to finance law enforcement. For example, in Missouri to incarcerate an inmate in prison it cost $60.66 a day per inmate and for inmates in county it cost about $25 a day per inmate. So, in the state of Missouri what they are doing is transferring prisoners to County and paying County the $25 to house those inmates and rather than return the money saved to the people, Missouri …show more content…

Working in the field of law enforcement and being ethically sound is important. It is important within our professional career that we are able to maintain a standard that doesn’t cross any ethical lines. Even in our academic we have to hold ourselves to an ethical standard, because we are trusted to do what is right. If we violate the academic integrity it put a mark on our ability to be trusted. Just as Dr. Steven Davis stated if someone is will to cheap to get ahead how can they be trusted