Ethical Dilemmas In Christian Worldviews

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Throughout life there any many tough decisions. Often times the choices seem to break some type of ethical code, no matter which choice is chosen. Whether is it one’s personal ethical code, or a religious ethical code, such as the Bible’s Ten Commandments. To figure out which code to break is a hard decision that depends on one’s personal and religious worldviews.

Ethical Dilemma The ethical dilemma that I chose abortion. In the example given to me, a woman named Susan gets pregnant, however she soon finds out that her unborn child has down syndrome. Feeling uncomfortable with the idea of abortion, Susan talks to Richard, a professor of evolutionary biology who specializes in furthering human potential and minimizing human suffering. Richard …show more content…

The most important being that in one, a child is killed, and in the other the child lives. The Christian worldview’s option values all human life, no matter what disease or struggle it may have. The other option values human happiness, it reasons that if the child were to be born, it would only live its life in suffering. It seems as if the Christian worldview is a more optimistic approach compared to the other. The idea to kill a child based on that it may have a disease or syndrome, shows how today’s culture views life. People seem to want to have perfectly healthy babies, so, some people, if they find out that there is something wrong with the baby think straight to abort it. They want the easiest way, this isn’t true for everybody, but at least for a select few. There seems to be a lack of optimism in that the baby may be fine, or that the baby may still live its life to the fullest.

In conclusion, the ethical dilemma of abortion is a common problem in modern society. For Susan, she was faced with two choices, to abort the baby, or to let it live. The Christian worldview would tell her to let the baby live, whereas her other option would be to abort the baby since it would live a life of suffering. Since Susan wants to have a baby, her best option would be to have the baby and love it just like any other child. Even though the baby will require more care throughout it’s life, it can still live an amazing life just like any other