Gold Mining In South Africa Essay

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Gold mining has always been a major income generator in South Africa, but the question this country is faced with now is whether or not gold mining is ethical. Gold mining has had a number of effects on the environment and the lives of those residing around where the mines used to be or still are. Some of these effects are dust pollution, acid mine drainage, carbon footprint increase and the release of radioactive waste material like uranium and un-rehabilitated mine pits/footprints. Even with all these presented issues gold mining produces a lot income and is one of the major contributors in South Africa’s economy.
Gold mining has been the back bone of South Africa’s economy and that of its ruined environment. The mining of gold has had an incredible effect on the environment and the health of those residing around the mining areas. Acid mine drainage is metal-rich water formed when rocks containing sulphur-bearing minerals- such as iron sulphide- react with water, …show more content…

The cleaning up of this pollution is very costly and placing a lot of strain on the economy. It is also pushing investors away as they see the effects of mining on South Africa’s environment and how its people are violated.
Gold mining has been the back bone of South Africa’s economy and that of South Africa’s polluted environment and atmosphere. Soon it will be the back bone of South Africa’s high maintenance bill when it has to be clean up and the environment cannot handle any more polluting. Gold mining was not unethical but how it was handled was the unethical part. It was not sustained and its waste was not disposed of in a proper manner. Hence South Africa is faced with major human rights issues because of careless mining. Gold mining would not be a problem had it been planned adequately and its waste been disposed of safely.
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