Ethical Flaws Of Slavery Dbq Essay

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The US was built on the hard work and toil of millions of slaves. Even though the practice of slavery was encouraged for hundreds of years, Americans began to rethink and eventually came to oppose it. A growing opposition against slavery began because it took job opportunities from whites, it started to be recognized as inhumane and unjust, and it became hard to control and enforce. Many middle and lower class workers across America were outraged that slave labor was taking their job opportunities. They claimed that colored people were not “useful or happy among us” (Doc D); the real underlying reason was that they despised how they were made so disposable because of slave labor. Slave labor was free, and labor by a white man required …show more content…

Americans were better informed of the harsh conditions that slaves suffered through works of literature written by literate slaves, such as “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” (Doc J). Through this and the work of many abolitionist organizations that published newspapers and pamphlets, Americans began to see the ethical flaws of slavery. In a declaration of sentiments written by the American Anti-Slavery Society, slavery is described as “the foulest stain that rests upon our nation” (Doc E). Societies and organizations like these preached that all citizens of the United States deserved equal rights and privileges (Doc E). All men are born free and equal, so blacks deserved the “natural rights of mankind” (Doc B). These realizations obviously stuck; white began to look out for slaves and free african americans. A boston minister, Theodore Parker, posted a sign that warned free blacks that if they valued their freedom they should stay away from police or anyone else who might be a kidnapper and interested in returning them to the south (Doc I). This clearly illustrates the change opposition against the common belief that slavery was acceptable. Additionally, slavery damaged many marriages in the south when white men would rape their female slaves. This was completely degrading to white women; it created a mulatto class of of slaves that were just a reminder to these married white women (Doc F). Slavery was immoral and degrading to the many people that were

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