Understanding Of The Influence Of Advertising On Young And Vulnerable People

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The purpose of this paper is to gain a better understanding of the influence of advertising on young and vulnerable people. Nowadays, companies use a variety of methods that their product will become popular and it will have the highest demand rate, and advertising takes a major role in it.
On the one hand, all of these methods are manipulate the minds of people, particularly the children who have not yet formed an opinion at all about the world, about values, about the difference between good and bad, since they are easily subject to influence. In addition to children, advertisers also focuses on the target group of vulnerable people, as an example: people who suffering from obesity or anorexia, as well as it can be an infirm …show more content…

First of all, the theory, which I would like to associate with this case, is the study of the problems of morality - Deontology, first voiced by the English philosopher Jeremy Bentham. The beginning of this theory was put to the Kantian doctrine, which is confirmed by the following theses: “Good comes from Duty”; “The good is that exactly what we require from the duty and that the performance of duty leads us to the concept of peace and goodness itself”. The basis of this theory is that we have a moral obligation to do the right thing. Prone to Kant, the action has moral value only when it is done only on the goodwill. The main purpose of Deontology is to fulfill the duty, based on the rules of right, without taking into account what will be the consequences of this (Bentham & Bowring, …show more content…

On the one hand, they encourage people to do sports, to keep fit, as well as to lead an active, regular and healthy lifestyle. Advertising often use celebrities, actors or athletes, and these celebrities become role models for many children. Due to this they are making progress, constantly working on themselves, so that they become role models. We can say that in the case of advertising campaigns, if the company and the client are satisfied with the result, the whole process of rationalization is justified on the basis of utilitarianism. Hedonistic utilitarianism argues that the only thing we value in its own right it is a pleasure, and the only thing we seek to avoid in its own right it is a pain. So nice to be in the end - "good", and the pain is to be in the end - 'bad' (Mill, 1863). Therefore, increasing the pleasure and minimize pain should be ethically correct action. Is not advertising executives trying to maximize pleasure for both the customer and for the

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