Ethical Issues In King Corn

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In the film “King Corn” two men set out to discover where their food came from and how it was produced. Once they learned that they both had family descending from a small town in Iowa they decided to move back and rent an acre of land to produce and study the life of corn. Though, what they found was all too concerning when it came to government involvement in the production and consumption of modern day food. There have been several bills and laws that have been set in place and have completely altered the production of America’s food sources.
The United States Agriculture Policy has taken quite a turn since the 1930’s when subsidies where put in place so that overproduction could not occur and prices would not decrease. Farmers were then able to stay on their farms and grow crops while maintaining the balance of agricultural supply and demand. Though, under the command of Nixon’s Secretary of Agriculture, the 1970’s subsidies began the continued encouragement for farmers to produce as much crop as possible so …show more content…

This has scientists wondering how healthy our food can be if we are mass producing by genetically and chemically altering our foods to grow faster to be then again chemically altered to be produced into something else. In the last three decades, the production and consumption of high fructose corn syrup has risen one thousand percent. This means that more sugar is in circulation in our foods which can cause type two diabetes if consumed at great amounts. Also, it has been recorded that about seventy percent of the United States’ antibiotics are consumed by the livestock which are fed with the genetically and chemically altered corn and crops produced in the nation which causes them to have more grams of saturated fat than normal grass fed livestock. This simply adds to the list of undermined health concerns about the production of