Ethical Issues In Clinical Research

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Medical research involving human subject have very different benchmarks’ than medical research involving animals. Both of them were dealing with live person/animal. So, there must be a very crucial and important ethical issues were arises. Here in this small article I have specifically mentioned the meaning of ethics in clinical trial a form of clinical research involving human subject, milestone of ethical development in clinical research, different regulations and requirement were need to enrol the human subject in clinical trials even the ethical consideration were fulfilled if a child is going to participate in clinical trial.

Detail Discussion

“To use human beings as subjects in medical research or any type of study is a special privilege which brings it with distinct ethical considerations.” Since past few years …show more content…

There are several other criteria’s present which in cumulated make clinical research ethical to some extent. To evaluate clinical research that it is ethical or not there are minimum seven parameters/ studies were need to understand and identified felicitously.
1) Value enrichments of health or knowledge must be derived from the research;
2) Scientific validity should be performed to justify the research methodology
3) Fair subject selection scientific objectives, the potential and distribution of risks and reimbursements, should define populations selected as study sites and the insertion criteria for distinct subjects all the criteria should be fulfilled with logical reasoning without biasness; no bias should be present in selecting of subject. So, at that time randomization approach should be