
Ethical Issues With Stem Cell Research Essay

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Stem Cells are cells that do not have a specific function or structure like skin cells which protect our bodies and muscle cells which contract, stem cells fit in any organism in the body because they are more specialized, they have potential to divide themselves and become other cells like liver, blood, bone and fat cells, depending on whether they are multipotent or pluripotent (can be grown in any kind of a tissue in the body). They also have potential to replace damaged brain tissues or destroyed ones by severe illness or injury, treating diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Stem cells can replace any injured or damaged organisms in the body. They are used by doctors to treat blood diseases like leucocyte, allergies and bone marrow …show more content…

• The harvesting of Oocyte which is necessary for human embryonic stem cells creation has raised concerns related to the safety of the donor.

• There has been a worry related to the process, the responsible conduct of the research that is given to the people.

• There is no access to investigational treatments that is being given to patients and people argue a lot about killing of innocent people to promote social utility that applies to human embryos.

• Embryonic stem cells force us to choose between the two moral principles which are to prevent suffering or respect the value of life.

• Embryonic stem cells raise a religious and ethical debate since they are isolated from fertilised blastocysts.

Legal Issues
• In 1974, the congress banned nearly all federally foetal tissue research.

• International law permits states to refuse patents where necessary to protect morality in their territory.

• Most of SCR laws place criminal sanctions on various research activity. Especially those that rise unsolved ethical, legal questions such as the controversy over the moral and legal status of the embryo and whether embryos should be used as scientific

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