Literature Review On Photojournalism

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PHOTOJOURNALISM According to Towne (2012), Photojournalism was first introduced and was already documenting events as early as mid -nineteenth century when Carol Szathmari, a Romanian painter and photographer, took photographs of the Crimean War. She also pointed out, the term “photojournalism”, a combination of photography and journalism was coined by Frank Luther Mott – a historian and dean of the University Of Missouri School Of Journalism. The term only became familiar during the World War II (1935 – 1945). The people who do the practice are not just photographers but also journalists, thus photojournalists. Photojournalists play the role of gathering visual evidences on the report that …show more content…

36). In relation to this, Steele (1987, pp. 10-11, as cited in Lester 1999, par 37) also states that, “In utilitarianism, various consequences are considered and the impact of the consequences of an action is weighed in relation to the consequences of another course of …show more content…

This philosophy was founded by Aristippus, a student of Socrates. He believed that person should “act to maximize pleasure now, and not to worry about the future.” He, however, expressed to the pleasures of the mind-intellectual pleasure. (Lester 1999, par. 41)
GOLDEN MEAN This theory was proposed by Aristotle. “This philosophy refers to finding the middle ground, a compromise between to extreme points of view or actions.” (Lester 1999, para. 43). He continued, “this doesn’t mean that taking the middle way involves a precise mathematical average but is an action that approximately fits that situation at the time.” As Christian et. al (1983) noted, “the mean is not only the right quantity, but at the right time, toward the right people, for the right reason and for the right mean.” (as cited by Lester, 1999, para. 45)
THE VEIL OF IGNORANCE John Rawls outline the Veil of Ignorance as a philosophy where all members are equals. (as cited by Lester, 1999, para. 51) According to Christian et. al (1983), seeing anyone through a veil without noticing age, race, sex, and so on maintains, “basic respect for all humans.” (as cited by Lester, 1999, para.