Ethical Perspectives On Human Trafficking

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Human Trafficking From an Ethical Perspective Mikayla Cassidy Saint David Catholic Secondary School Lisa Denomme June 17, 2024. Human trafficking is a big break from human rights and respect, making it a deep issue that needs looking into from various perspectives. It is a huge moral, thought, law, and social knowledge puzzle, as well as a legal and social problem. To grasp why human trafficking is bad, one must know about ethics, the study of right and wrong (Macias-Konstantopoulos, 2012). Trafficking turns people into items, against the idea that everyone should be free and respected. This act strips people of their freedom and worth (Petronio, 2012). Victims often face significant barriers to integration and recovery, such as stigma, lack of resources, and ongoing threats from traffickers. Combating …show more content…

Deontology emphasizes moral duties and responsibilities, inclusive of the responsibility to protect the vulnerable and uphold justice. Human trafficking exploits the most inclined populations, which includes ladies, youngsters, and impoverished individuals, thereby violating the moral duty to shield their well-being and rights. Deontologists argue that we have an obligation to uphold justice and prevent gross injustices like trafficking, which undermines the legal and moral order of society. Since deontological ethics includes prohibitions towards coercion, deception, and exploitation, human trafficking is regarded as a fundamental moral incorrect that can not be justified beneath any situation. Moreover, deontological ethics often stresses the significance of moral absolutes, wherein sure actions are prohibited regardless of capability blessings. Thus, human trafficking is categorically impermissible and is visible as a grave moral transgression that requires rigorous competition and eradication. Therefore,