HPCSA: Ethical Values For Good Clinical Practice

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1. Trust
Is a relationship between which is built on grounds of character, integrity and capability. In dentistry this also entails that the medical professional will keep the patient’s information confidential, as long as it is in the best interest of the patient. One can also enhance this relationship when both individuals remain true and honest to themselves which will result in a sense of confidence and faith towards one another. (1)

2. Establishment of rapport with a patient
It is the harmony that people feel while interacting with one another. It is seem as one of the most important parts of a dental consultation. It is important to remember that this rapport starts establishing the moment the people involved meet. This foundation can …show more content…

This council is a statutory body which aims to govern South African health professions according to the “Health Professions Act No. 56 of 1974.”, on which it was established. The HCPSA assists in creating and maintaining medical standards in South Africa by setting a good standard of professionalism, tuition, ethics, and registration (3)

4. Ethical values for good clinical practice
Is a set of bioethical principles which are defined by principals values and judgement? This guides medical professionals to be ethically correct and acceptable by society in term of the means of behaving. Respect, autonomy, confidentiality, benefence, informed consent, proper communication, distributive justice, honesty and futility are all examples of these principles. In order for one to avoid situations of being culture sensitive and conflict of interest one must have great integrity. This will also help to remain true to oneself as well as your profession. (4)

5. Ethical …show more content…

Medical waste disposal and incineration
This process refers to the disposing of all materials used for medical treatment, because of their hazardous nature to both practitioners, patients as well as the environment. The method that is most effective for most practitioners for disposal is known as “incineration” in this process waste is reduced to ashes; which kills pathogens and reduces the bulk of waste. (7)

12. Infection control
An act of preventing, reducing and eliminating infection by the usage of infective agents, whilst taking all necessary precautionary measures. This includes the usage of masks, gloves and clinical coats while one is working with a patient .It is non- negotiable to maintain a clean, sterile environment , as it is highly likely for everyone in the dental practice to come in contact with hazardous pathogens.(5)

13. Occupational health and safety
It is based on protecting the employee/worker. In this process one advocates for and maintains a good level of health in relation to the psychological, physical and social factors. It is necessary to be aware and imply the precautions and measures to be taken care of when exposed to hazardous materials or objects.

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