Ethical Worldview Essay

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God’s goodness influences those of us who believe and follow Christian theism. He is good and all He does it good, "You are good, and what you do is good; teach me your decrees" (Psalm 119:68). This is true as we know that we are made in God’s image and therefore we are moral beings as he is the ultimate basis for morality. Worldview question six asks how do we know what is right or wrong? As understood in worldview question three, one difference between human beings and animals is that we have the ability to understand what is right and wrong whereas animals do not. Though we may differ, we all live in the same moral universe. In fact, Sire writes that the absolute standard by which we are judged is by God himself. That standard of right …show more content…

They are the principles in which one’s judgments of right and wrong are based (n.d). As individuals, we own our own morals and as Christians, being moral is paramount to honoring God (Rae, p. 11). However, ethics help individuals make moral decisions as well as help guide the society. Some examples of universal moral standards are priority in many societies across the universe. For example, dignity, honesty, justice and equality all can be understood as moral ideals that can be universally found among most cultures and …show more content…

The interpretation of such history starts with all the other worldviews. For example, my belief in the ultimate power and prime reality of God helps me to further understand the other presumptions of worldview questions. Sire states that God reveals himself in history and those very sequential events is the revelations of His being (Sire. P.43). God has worked his master plan of redemption through history. He gave us His son, Jesus Christ who died for us and sacrificed for our sins.
At most, we have to understand two factors. That it is God’s plan and our place in order to fully participate in living. When we know that our individual choices are “under the sovereignty of God, this will bring out God’s purpose for this world” (Sire, p. 44) and in turn, He shows when we make poor choices, to help guide us to a better place, redemption and salvation. Though not all of our choices will affect our eternal life with Him, some such as breaking a Commandment will. We must choose good over evil, we must live intentionally and with a purpose, and lastly we must ask for forgiveness when we

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