SPHE326 Ethics In Sports Essay

1008 Words5 Pages

Josh Laker
Senior Seminar in Sports & Health Sciences
SPHE490 D001 Sum 14
Professor Jenny Johnson
7 September 2014

Table of Contents
Cover Page 3
Personal Biography 4
AMU Course 5
Example of work TBD
Cover Letter TBD
Resume TBD
Personal Reference TBD

Cover Page Josh Laker
(217) 390-0225
Bachelors in Sports and Health Science with a concentration in Exercise Science

Personal Biography Josh Laker grew up in a small town named Philo in the cornfields of central Illinois. He has always had a passion for sports and played a variety of sports growing up. His main focus through sixth grade was basketball, which he continued to play throughout junior and high school. It was in junior high …show more content…

This course covers contracts, bargaining issues including unions, contract negotiation, and collective bargaining will be covered.
SPHE316 Sports and Recreation Facility Management – This course covers professional skills that can be applied at career positions related to sports facilities.
SPHE326 Ethics in Sports – This course examines morality and ethical issues pertaining to sport.
SPHE379 Contemporary and Social Issues in Sport – This course examines the effect of sport on society investigating concepts on how sports and sport participation impact the lives of individuals and groups in a society.
SCIN132 Introduction to Human Anatomy & Physiology with Lab – This course covers the fundamental principles associated with the structure and function of the human body.
PSYC460 Sports Psychology – This course will investigate human behavior patterns in sports and exercise settings.
SCINE360 Advance Human Anatomy and Physiology – This course has an emphasis on how the body is constructed and how it operates, with special applications to the maintenance and improvement of health and fitness.
SPHE314 Exercise Physiology – This course covers the workings and physiological changes that occur in the body during …show more content…

SPHE317 Sports Medicine – This course covers the causes and prevention of common sports injuries. This course covers what sport or particular athlete is more at risk to injury.
SPHE319 Sports and Drugs – This course investigates the types and categories of performance enhancing substances used by athletes. Describing the effects and usage trends of drug.
SPHE320 Nutrition – This course covers nutrition concepts like macro and micronutrients and their benefits to a healthy diet and an understanding of the importance of these nutrients as performance