
Eulogy For Mother

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1.To say that you love yourself means that you are satisfied with your being and seek little to no improvement from where you stand today.

2.I believe that I am charitable to my mother. I help her when she asks for help and I even help her when she says she doesn't need help, but I know she does. It is easy to be charitable to her because she is my mother and I love her and always want the best for her. It's just what you do, you're supposed to be kind, loving, and respectful to people you like.

3.Someone I dislike but I am still charitable to would probably be some of my classmates. I dislike them because of their thoughts, beliefs, or the way they treat others. But I think that I am still charitable towards them because I know it is right. I still treat them with …show more content…

Earthly pleasures weren't meant to satisfy us in any way but to make us hungry for the afterlife. You are not meant to be unthankful for your earthly blessings but appreciate that better things are coming. You should never let your earthly blessings keep you from realizing that God is true happiness. You should make your main object of life dying and going to heaven to be with God forever and to helps others get there too.

10.All of the imagery is a spiritual attempt to symbolize how beautiful heaven is because the human brain is unable to understand. The crowns suggest that God shares his power and happiness and love what is those who are united with him in heaven. Instruments are used to symbolize the infinity and happiness of heaven. Gold suggests and expresses that heaven is timeless, fresh,and will never be out of date

11.Emotion and imagination are on the other side. You will see many instances of this. Take a boy learning to swim his reason knows very well that his floaty can support his weight and that he will not sink in the water but when he's left on supported he will get an a fright and forget his

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