European Countries Taking Over Africa Dbq Essay

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Have you ever had the feeling of being more superior than anyone else, and that you could take anything/everything away from them in a period of time. This is what the European countries did to African community such as taking all of their culture, pride, land, and resources.Through 300 years(1500-1800) there were many new creations, inventions, and trades happening around Africa. And Africa went through a stage of horror by the european countries trying to take over parts of Africa. In a political point of view in “Document A” it showed all of the seven countries taking over Africa, In “Document C” it has showed that the technology was a key role in the imperialism, lastly is “Document E” that has showed how all of the money paid into another …show more content…

This is all based on document A “ Partition of Africa, 1884-85”. The first point is that there were seven European countries taking parts of Africa and they were the British, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Belgian, and the Spanish. These countries all took a part in this “taking” of Africa. And it was very dangerous for the African community because they were being taking over as if they were a useless community . But the two main countries of this “taking” were the British and French, and they both took about 70-75% of Africa and that is a ginormous number. That has showed that these two countries have put in a lot and sacrificed many things to take this much land. So as shown all of these countries were desperate to take part of this gaining of territory because they didn’t want to miss …show more content…

This is all based on document c “ Technology and Imperialism”. There were about five technological developments that were created and they were very helpful for many reasons such as trading, messaging, etc. All of these items were made in the early 19th century besides the “steam engine(1787) first used in boats.” The other developments were Maxim gun (1884), Bessemer process(1855), Electric telegraph(1837), Repeating rifle( late 1800s), and method of getting quinine from cinchona tree bark(1820). All of these developments served a strong cause for the European countries such a the cinchona tree bark, it was used to cure a type of tropical disease that if they didn’t use it many men would die and the Europeans wouldn’t be as successful as they were. Another key is the “Bessemer process” this has showed many quick ways to manufacture steel which was used for rails, bridges, and many tall buildings. That has it’s advantages because if they wouldn’t have had this everything would have gone by way slower and not much progress would have been done. All of these developments have been another key point for the Europeans for them to succeed in taking over