Euthanasi The Most Controversial Health Issues Of Our Time

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Euthanasia has become one of the most controversial health issues of our time. The term Euthanasia, means good health or well dying, referring to an easy death as opposed to an agonizing or tormented death. The euthanasia debate is a topic which, covers many issues, specifically the social, moral, ethical and religious. The debate is based on a two-sided argument where it is categorised as either voluntary suicide or involuntary murder. Over more recent years, euthanasia has increased its political attention as it begins to be addressed by governments worldwide. There are two main types of euthanasia, passive and active. Passive euthanasia allows a person to end their life by withdrawing treatment. This is the most common type of euthanasia as the patient is often terminally unwell and there is no prospect of recovery so the decision is made by the family to end the treatment or other mechanical means of life support. Active euthanasia occurs when a medical professional’s actions deliberately cause a patient to die. So what is it about choosing to die at a given time and place via a particular method is so obscene? An Australian survey …show more content…

This has become one of the greatest problems in legalising euthanasia, as the government is unable to implement a thorough law that is able to foresee all possible problems of legislation and be able to avoid them. One of the most practical reasons for justifying euthanasia is the hospital space taken up by those who are terminally ill when this space could be being used to assist those whose illnesses are curable. With the aging population of Australia, the health system is being put under a huge strain as a greater number of elder people are becoming terminally ill. The image image shows the increase of Australia’s aging