Arguments Against Euthanasia And Physician Assisted Suicide

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Euthanasia is the act of ending one’s life in order to relieve them from an incurable disease or suffering. Euthanasia and assisted-suicide are both very controversial topics in our society today. Many people do support the process of injecting a lethal cocktail of substances into a person’s body to end his or her life “peacefully”; however, many do not support this process also. Throughout the world, people are mainly against assisted-suicide. Which is why in the United States only one state has passed the law to make euthanasia legal. Euthanasia should remain illegal because it is an immoral practice and devalues human life. The process of euthanasia allows terminally ill patients to swiftly end their lives instead of suffering a painful …show more content…

Many people have said that in thier religion God chooses when you die, not a doctor. The majority of the Christian community have banned the application of euthanasia because in the bible, one can read about the sin of taking one’s life and how it is wrong. Even though many are against the practice because of their religion, many are also against it because of the fact that it devalues human life. When someone’s life is ended in a non-natural way, you have no assurance that it could have been prevented. “Studies show that in some cases where euthanasia was performed, that the patient’s ‘illness’ could have been cured” (Hendin 1). In other cases, doctors weren’t 100 percent on the patients conditions when mentioning and/or performing the drugs. This gives the patients and family have a false reasoning of ending their loved ones lives believing that their illness is much worse than it really is. “Last year [2012], 45-year-old twin brothers, who couldn’t bear the thought of going bling were granted euthanasia. Doctors granted their request because they had ‘nothing to live for anyways’” (Mortier 1). These twins had no terminal illness and weren’t even blind when they recieved the euthanasia. This goes to show that doctors are sometimes administering the lethal drugs when they aren’t needed. This is one of many cases where the death of a patient could have been prevented because of physican-assisted