Euthanasia Essay: The Ethics Of Assisted Suicide

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Have you ever known a friend or family member who had cancer or was critically ill and in the hospital? It’s hard to watch those suffer due to a physical injury or disease. It’s even harder to watch someone struggle in a critical mental state whether it’s caused by a mental or physical disease. Would you rather ease the pain of those people than watch them suffer? The answer solution is assisted suicide because it is supported by ethics and should legally be allowed. Humans have the right to die.The case for allowing patients to choose medical aid in dying is strongly rooted in solid and widely shared ethical principles: the principles of respect for autonomy and compassion. Human choice—the right to make important life decisions—is a part …show more content…

When people find out that loved ones have chosen to have medical professionals help them pass on, they usually jump to conclusions and blame the doctor for agreeing to do so or for not trying harder to persuade the dying patients’ mind but the doctors are just doing their job. When family members find out that their loved ones have chosen to have medical professionals help them pass on, they usually aim their anger at the professionals that are performing the procedures, but the physicians can't be punished for helping critically ill people die when that is their legal wish. Many who say that physicians should not play a role do not realize that many doctors in these situations personally oppose it but it is their legal right to fulfill the wish of the patient whether they agree. This was such a common occurrence that in England they made a law, which still applies today, named the assisted suicide law, that allows terminally ill patients, who have been given six months or less to live and wish to hasten their deaths, to obtain medication prescribed by two doctors (Pratchett). Even with laws such as these, the instinct to cling to life is so deep that helping another human being end their life seems unthinkable. We need to accept that there are other mentalities that lead people into this decision and it is not easy to understand. Many people also worry that legalizing doctor assisted suicide is irrational and violates ows the