Euthanasia In Australia Essay

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Living in Australia, I’m proud to call this country my home. We live in a pretty free country, we are able to vote for our leaders, have a voice and live peacefully as we wish to. But there is one major aspect of our lives that the government still controls: the right to choose to die when the pain gets too much. Now how’s that for freedom?

Today I will be talking about why Australia should legalise euthanasia for terminally ill patients. Euthanasia is a highly controversial topic that is commonly debated between governments all around the world. But there is a simple answer, and it simply comes down to this: if you were suffering from an illness such as motor neurone disease, which slowly takes more and more of your life away until you are existing more than living, would you really want to continue to suffer? Or would you want a painless, peaceful way to end it all?

People have fought hard over the years for their right to make their own decisions throughout their life. And our governments pretty good: people are free to live as they want to. But why do we suddenly take this right away from people just when they need it most? Why would we let our laws force someone to continue living in pain when there is …show more content…

Fear that assisted suicide may be used to end people’s lives when a miracle recovery is right around the corner, or cut someone’s life short when they aren’t ready to die. But legalising euthanasia doesn’t mean it becomes a free for all. Part of the suggested law involves a framework that doctors MUST follow to regulate euthanasia. This means that in order for someone to be given ‘euthanasia’, two seperate doctors must agree that the illness is in fact incurable, and the patient must be mentally stable enough to give honest and genuine consent. With such laws in place, we can ensure the safety and protection of patients without forcing them to miserable suffer while they await their natural