Legalization Of Euthanasia In The Independent By Jerome Taylor

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I am writing to you today to inform you of my views on the legalization of euthanasia. I inform you that I have read the article in The Independent, written by Jerome Taylor, and will also refer to the subject of it, Tony Nicklinson. I believe that if euthanasia was legalised, it should only be a controlled procedure, with strict guidelines such as the patient proving that they have sufficient mental capacity to make their own choices, and to be able to give a reason why they should be euthanized, and how they should be euthanized.

Others in favour of my argument believe that our society should allow those who wish to die, yet do not have the capacity to kill themselves, should be allowed to die with dignity and without having to experience pain. I fully agree with this statement because in the article written by The Independent, a victim of locked-in syndrome known as Tony Nicklinson wishes for the doctors to euthanize him, as he physically cannot kill himself, which directly correlates to the point made above, as he wished to be euthanized by the doctors without them having to be prosecuted. …show more content…

They also argue that since suicide is not a crime, then euthanasia should not be one