
Euthanasia Is Wrong Essay

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What is healing? Healing is, stated by the Merriam Webster Dictionary the process of making or becoming sound or healthy again. Our society has developed a different definition; they believe that, in some circumstances, the best way to heal someone is through death. Is death healing? Our world no longer sees the disabled and terminally ill as valued. They assert that based on these conditions’ of individuals they are of lesser value; and therefore, they should consider ending their natural lives. Euthanasia is, the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma. The practice is illegal in most countries (Merriam Webster). The use of euthanasia pressures patients that it is their duty …show more content…

People assume that a person's state of health correlates to their ultimate well being and dignity. “Your state of health, mental or physical, has no bearing on your dignity… I’m disabled but who are you to say I lack dignity”(A Read on the Conscience of Neil Gorsuch). State of health and abilities should not distinguish whether an individual has dignity. Euthanasia strives to eliminate a patient’s pain and suffering by ending the life instead of working towards the value and dignity of the remaining life. “The Solution to suffering is never to eliminate the sufferer”(A Theatrical Rebuttal to the Farce of ‘Dignicide’). Euthanasia should not be a solution to help the patient in his or her’s suffering. Those who suffer from terminal illness and disabilities are being devalued due to their health situation, their doctor’s are no longer striving to save them, but rather giving them ultimatums and easy ways out of their suffering, which ultimately leads to the ending of the patient's life. Euthanasia has given this new generation of terminally ill patients a sense of lost hope of life by offering the opportunity to end

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