Eva Brenton Monologue

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“Alice 's friend, I never did catch your name,” Alice 's mother says. I 'm forced to adjust my posture as my inquisition begins. “Eva.” A merciless smile slithers across her lips. “Have you a surname or is it simply Eva?” “Brenton.” “Eva Brenton. I haven 't heard of any Brenton 's, who are your parents?” “Jack and Karla.” “Where do they live?” “They used to live in Cinderwoods, but they died when I was young.” She tilts her head to one side. “Oh, how unfortunate.” After readjusting her posture, she continues the interrogation. “What do you do for a living, Eva?” “I 'm a singer.” “Oh, a singer,” she chuckles. “That 's— different. And where do you sing?” My fingers tighten around the cup. “Club Mustang.” “Hm. I can 't say I have heard

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