Hae Min Lee Monologue

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Usually, nothing significant happens in your day, so you don’t remember it down the line. For example, would you be able to tell me what you have for breakfast last Wednesday? Could you tell me what you did in the afternoon two Saturdays ago? Since nothing particular stands out in my life, I couldn’t tell you. Adnan Syed however, had an extremely eventful day January 13, 1999 considering his ex-girlfriend, Hae Min Lee was gruesomely murdered. Adnan uses his calmness and charm to try and prove there wasn’t anything significant about that day. Unfortunately for him, his smooth talking wasn’t enough to hide the hard evidence against him or his motive for killing her and keeping him out of prison where he should be, and currently is. Adnan used a calm …show more content…

“I just sometimes wish they could look into my brain and see how I really felt about her. Whatever the motivation is to kill someone, I had absolutely-- it didn't exist in me,” Adnan said (Koenig, “The Alibi”). He explains in a way that will make people pity or sympathize him. He wants people to look past the bigger picture and believe he never could’ve done this act by being strategic with his word choice. Adnan believes since the case faded out “No one ever has been able to provide any shred of evidence that I had anything but friendship toward her,” (Koenig, “The Alibi”). No one is exactly trying to prove Adnan and Hae weren’t friends and he that he didn’t respect her, but more so that he had motivation that led him to kill. He tries to say that he has no reason to kill her, but at the end of the day, that’s not enough reason or proof that he didn’t commit the crime. There have been incidents where one partner lashes out during a break up

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