
Why Adnan Syed Is Not Guilty

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For the last decade, people across the country have been fussing over one of the most confounding murder cases in America. On January 13, 1999, high school student Hae Min Lee was murdered in a way that makes people still wonder what happened. The state of Maryland decided her ex-boyfriend Adnan Syed would be guilty of her murder with their unreliable location, motive, and evidence used against him. While the state of Maryland says otherwise, Adnan Syed is not guilty for the murder of Hae Min Lee because the liver mortis found disproves it, Hae's boyfriend Don was more suspicious, the cell phone records were unreliable, and the state's motive was unreasonable. The first reason why Adnan Syed is innocent is because when they found Hae’s body, …show more content…

Jay and the state claim Adnan kept the body in his trunk, however, if that were true the liver mortis would be shown on either side of her body and not just the front. In the Crime Junkies podcast, Ashley Flowers explains it by saying “That purplish, red blue color was present on her face, her chest, her stomach, and the front of her legs. From the way her blood pooled, we know for a fact that she was lying completely flat, face down, for 8 to 10 hours after death” (Flowers, 3). The Crime Junkies podcast lets their listeners know that livor mortis isn’t some theory, it is hard factual science, which in this case completely contradicts Jay’s story. The second reason to support Adnan’s innocence is Adnan’s motive, or lack of motive. The state claimed Adnan was angry towards Hae for breaking up with him after he had sacrificed so much to be with her, giving him the motive to kill her. Yet, when Hae died, it was months since they had broken up, and since then they were both dating different people. Hae had started dating a boy named Don who she had met at work, and Adnan had been dating or hooking up with other

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