Adnan Syed Did Not Murder Hae Min Lee Research Paper

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Adnan Syed is not a Murder
I believe that Adnan is innocent, and did not murder Hae Min Lee. There are three main reasons that Adnan is proved to be innocent. First, Leakin Park is an hour away from where Adnan lives so why would he get out of his way to murder someone then dispose of the body an hour away. Second, it is hard for Adnan to strangle Hae in 3 minutes. Lastly, many people never described Adnan to have a violent personality. Therefore, Adnan Syed did not murder Hae Min Lee.

The first element about Adnan’s case that proves that Adnan is innocent is that Leakin Park is an hour away from where Adnan lives so why would he get out of his way to murder someone and then dispose of the body an hour away. In the investigation on the case, Sarah Koenig was talking to Rabia Chaudry, friend of Adnan, and this comment proves that Adnan wouldn’t be able to murder Hae: “is Adnan suppose to get to Leakin Park so fast? It’s like an hour into the city. Leakin park is nowhere near the school.”, as well as some more evidence from when Saad Chaudry was talking with Adnan while he was locked up and Adnan said “I have never been there. I don’t even know where it is” With this evidence it is evident that Adnan wouldn’t be able to kill Hae. …show more content…

Evidence to prove that Adnan couldn’t have strangled Hae in 3 minutes is shown when Sarah Koenig and Dana Chivvis tested how long it would take to get to Best Buy in a minute and a minute and a half in the car for the actual killing of Hae. Sarah and Dana took 22 minutes and 2 seconds, which concludes that Adnan could have been at the murder scene, but he couldn’t have strangled Hae because all together it should’ve took 21 minutes, so that barely leaves time for any sort of struggle. Therefore Adnan wouldn’t be able to murder Hae because he wouldn’t have time to strangle

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