Adnan Syed: Innocent Or Guilty?

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Adnan Syed who is now 35, was sentenced to life in 1999 for the murder of his girlfriend Hae Min Lee. Was he innocent or guilty? Syed was blamed guilty but in the podcast Serial, the host Sarah Koenig discovers many things about the day of the murder and different sides of the story. Adnan Syed is innocent. As Sarah Koenig interviews the friends and family of Adnan Syed she learns lots of information the judges and detectives decided to disregard. She discovers information that could potentially free Adnan or at the minimum give him another trial. The first reason why Adnan might be innocent is because when Hae and Adnan broke up he took it like a normal person would. He didn’t have rage in him according to his friends and the people around him. This makes sense because if Adnan …show more content…

Mr.S was able to spot Hae’s body when no one else could. The body was well hidden so how could he have found it. ”How could he notice the body? I don’t understand that either. I mean it’s pretty well covered.”Episode 3: Leakin Park p.46. The body was under leaves and was well hidden. How could Mr.S find the body? To spot a body that well hidden would mean that the person who found would know where it was and would be the one who placed it there.”Hae’s body was buried right behind this log on the stream side. If you were standing on the street side of the log, so on the other side, it’s not at all obvious that you’d notice her. So this story about why he stopped where he stopped, it doesn’t quite seem right.” Episode 3: Leakin Park p. 44. Here Sarah is describing how Hae’s body was placed. If the body was was on the other side of the street and buried under a log then how was it so easy for him to spot it. Therefore this evidence shows that Adnan is innocent because there is a possibility that Mr.S could have buried Hae or even killed

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