Essay On The Case Against Adnan Syed

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Introduction: I am going to discuss with you why I believe the case against Adnan Syed for the murder and kidnapping of Hae Min Lee should be reopened within the court. I have reasoning behind Asia McClain and her proposed alibi for Adnan and with a DNA test found linking a former serial killer/rapist, Ronald Lee Moore. I will be discussing the credibility behind Asia's letters and affidavits and how Adnan is innocent and should have a fair trial. I will also discuss why I believe Jay's statements on the day do not all match up as he tells different stories. Body: In the case against Adnan Syed; Adnan was accused of murdering his ex-girlfriend, Hae Min Lee on January 13th, 1999. He was charged with first-degree murder, kidnapping, false imprisonment, and robbery. He was arrested February 28th, 1999 after Jay Wilds' second testimony which stated that Adnan had planned to kill Hae out of anger the same day of Hae's death. A question to mind is why did Jay not stop Adnan from this proposed plan? Jay then had stated in his second testimony that he dropped off Adnan back at school at 12:30 after shopping with him at the mall where Adnan supposedly said that he would kill Hae. After dropping him off they met up at Best Buy where Jay saw Hae dead in the trunk. Jay also stated in another testimony that they met at Edmondson Avenue and then in another testimony, it was at a strip …show more content…

A DNA match to Ronald Lee Moore, a rapist/murderer found the suspect in three 1999 cases and one of them was a woman’s death by strangulation. Ronald was released 10 days prior to the disappearance of Hae. Ronald then killed himself in 2012 after being caught by police officers again for more crimes. I do believe that testing should be provided in the reopening of the case, this evidence could lead to the innocence of Adnan and could raise more questions on why Jay lied to the police about the disappearance and murder of

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