Evaluate Which Perspective, Realism And Realism Influence US Foreign Policy?

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2. Evaluate which perspective, realist or liberal, has dominated the foreign policy of the United States since World War II. Ensure that you differentiate between rhetoric and reality in your analysis.

Theory provides a road map for navigating the complex, strategic interactions amongst states. The predominate theories of international relations, realism and e liberalism, are based upon a distinct set of assumptions, which lead to an equally unique set of ways to achieve coherency in U.S. foreign policy. Without theories to simplify these strategic interactions, the speed and unpredictability of world events would paralyze decision-making. Therefore, understanding the main arguments behind each theory, and how their different policy prescriptions have influenced U.S. foreign policy, is crucial to analyzing future strategic options. To that end, the realist perspective, albeit cloaked in liberal rhetoric, has dominated U.S. foreign policy since World War II. During the Cold War, each presidential administration used liberal principles to …show more content…

From these theories a unique set of policy prescriptions emerge, which informs the policymaker how to best develop a plan of action. The American tradition lies with the realist perspective; it inwardly embraces the cold calculus of power, but outwardly prefers that its policies resonate with the democratic ideals of freedom and prosperity. This struggle between rhetoric and deed has brought about fluctuations and, at times, inconsistencies in U.S. foreign policy. Despite the challenges inherent to formulating foreign policy in a liberal democracy, the vast majority of American Presidents have effectively employed the realist perspective to chart a course towards a more secure